Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Debate on renaming of streets and airports

I started a debate in my recent State of the Province Address about renaming streets and places in the Western Cape, specifically Cape Town. I would like to hear your views on my article 'Renaming our streets and airport is part of making the Western Cape a Home for All', published in the March 05 edition of the Cape Times. This is an edited version:

Often, the remark ‘we’re going back to South Africa’ can be heard on domestic flights out of Cape Town. Many of us who live in this province are quick to dismiss such comments. But many a truth, that old adage goes, is said in jest. The truth is that the Western Cape, specifically the ‘Mother City’, has long been seen by our fellow countrymen and women as not being a part of South Africa – and for good reason.

Almost thirteen years after the dawn of South Africa’s democracy, Cape Town and many other smaller towns in our province hardly have a single street of significance that reflects the heroes and architects of our freedom. In fact, in this Province we still live with the daily humiliation of Native Yards (NY1, etc, in Gugulethu) and boulevards named after those who gave us slavery, colonialism, religious bigotry and apartheid. This is not a black complaint. The Jewish community, too, cringe when Oswald Pirow, a Nazi sympathiser, is valourised. Surely enough time has passed to embark on a wide-ranging debate and campaign to find consensus on how to honour and memorialise the architects of freedom and democracy. When will we allow our children to engage with the legacies of patriots such as Autshumato, Sarah Baartman, Hilda Bernstein, Steve Biko, Molly Blackburn, Basil February, Imam Haron, Adam Kok, Alex La Guma, Chief Albert Luthuli, Sir Richard Luyt, Looksmart Ngudle, Dullah Omar, Gaby Shapiro, Christmas Tinto and many others?

I deliberately set out, in my State of the Province Address two weeks ago, to evoke debate on our failure to reflect the changes in our country and honour our heroes across the political divide. In this vein, on behalf of the ANC, I proposed that Cape Town International Airport should be renamed after a son of our Western Cape, James la Guma, a leader of the garment workers in the ICU, a leader against the Stuttaford Segregation Bill in 1939, a World War II veteran, a leader of the Coloured People’s Congress and the Communist Party. We submitted this proposal in humility to kick-start a necessary public engagement that will hopefully take us closer to the common values that bind us together as the people of the Cape and South Africa. Towards deepening this debate, we lined streets across the Western Cape with posters of such freedom loving patriots to bring them to public attention as we commend them to the people for honour. I am pleased to see that citizens of our province have been airing their views in the media and around dinner tables. Political parties are also agreeing on the need to honour those who stand out in our history as people who fought for a democratic South Africa.

I welcome the fact that Mayor Helen Zille and the Democratic Alliance (DA) leader Tony Leon have come out in favour of changing the names of our streets and airport. This support from the DA for our re-naming campaign means that, instead of dwelling on whether street- and place-names should be changed at all, we can now debate the detail. Leon’s suggestion that we consider naming the airport after Clements Kadalie, W. Schreiner or Abdullah Abdurahman is evidence that the debate is moving to another level. We are fortunate that in the DA opposition’s eagerness to embrace Taliep Petersen by renaming Keizergracht after him, they opened the door to a renaming process that up until now we thought they were implacably against. We would be the first to honour the likes of Helen Suzman, Anton Rupert and Colin Eglin because, regardless of where they stood in the battles against Apartheid, there can be no denying the goodness of these people. We will in the next few months seek to give every community, culture and group ownership over this Province so that we all see all our heroes and heroines reflected in our public spaces. There have also been objections along the lines that changing the name of the airport would confuse tourists. The same reactionary arguments were put forward by enemies of inclusivity to oppose the honouring of that great icon of our liberation struggle, Oliver Reginald Tambo. Pilots now proudly announce “welcome to OR Tambo International” to their passengers landing in Johannesburg. The simple point is that tourists travel to Cape Town the city, and not the airport.

The single objective driving this first African National Congress-led government is to make the Western Cape a ‘Home for All’, a province where we will all be able to live, work and play side-by-side in a united and sustainable environment. Having said that, I don’t think any other political party will contest the fact that this province must become a ‘Home for All’ if we are to overcome the legacy of Apartheid.

Whilst it may appear to us that the vision of a Home for All is elusive in the Western Cape and Cape Town, and whilst our fellow countrymen and women rightly point to our province’s lack of transformation, this is differently perceived by the rest of the world grappling with the hard challenges of migration, intolerance, religious fundamentalism, dogmatic certitude and economic marginalisation. In fact, many across the world look to the Western Cape for clues about how to deal with these twentieth century challenges associated with intensifying globalisation.

It is clear that whilst we have made some progress in building our ‘Home for All’, such as the rise of new, non-racial residential areas, there is still much work to be done. The legacy of the Group Areas Act and a host of Apartheid laws live on - it is for us to tackle these problems in a well-planned and sustainable way. The Western Cape is one of those parts of the country where Apartheid created particularly deep divisions between our communities. Uniting the people of this province through social and economic programmes which will make us all feel like we belong, that we are all have a future in this province. If we are to restore the dignity of our people and reply to those who mock the Western Cape’s lack of transformation more than a decade after the fall of Apartheid, the renaming of our streets and places without wasting any more time will bring us closer to a ‘Home for All’.


SouthAfrica said...

Wow, I am so impressed that you have a blog! Respect for connecting with the people.

I am often on flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg and have never heard anybody say "we're going back to South Africa".

I think names like NY1 should be decided upon by the people who live in NY1, not by me and not by any person who lives outside NY1. Soweto is also a name with an apartheid legacy and it's also entirely up to the people in Soweto whether they want to change that name.

I like the unknown soldier memorial in Paris. How about a memorial for the unknown person who contributed his/her bit to the struggle?

Communism has failed all round the world - Laguma was leading us down a dead-end.

Desmond Tutu, Trevor Manuel & Helen Suzman come to mind as people deserving of being honoured...however, these are the type of people who have never looked for photo opportunities, and would far rather have the money spent by building things of real value - like educational institutions which open the doors of learning to all.

Anonymous said...

An interesting post, while I see certain value in changing some names of certain streets and places, I have to question the necessity of it.

How many Rands will be spend on such a project that could be better allocated to different state departments to improve impoverished areas? If memory serves correct will this not be the 3rd change of Cape Town International Airports' name in the recent history?

The answer, in my opinion, is being very selective in what the local government want to change and instead of wanting to change them all overnight, to have a period where they are methodically changes at intervals to give enough time for everyone to get used to the changes.

Lastly, on a more humourus note, did your blog administrators forget to check the spelling of certain surnames and leave your notes in them? QC copy paste errors much?

Anonymous said...

Hierdie is natuurlik 'n sensitiewe debat, en moet sodanig behandel word. Ek is ook bly dat die DA die proses van naamsverandering gekwalifiseerd steun.

Ek sien basies twee kwessies i.v.m. naamsverandering.

Een van die kwessies is die gees waarin die naamsveranderinge gemaak word. Terwyl die amptelike redes vir verandering gewoonlik edel is, is daar dikwels ander ondertone, en in die geval van Pallo Jordan die afgelope week, blatante vyandige bedoelings. Daar is 'n verskil tussen "ons (Suid-Afrikaners) het Apartheid oorwin" en "ons (swart mense) het julle (wit mense) oorwin". Deur laasgenoemde te gebruik blaas vyandigheid aan, veral onder die meerderheid van mense wat die nuwe SA en versoening ondersteun. Ons moet dus versigtig kies watter historiese figure ons wil eer, en watter figure ons eer wil ontneem. Ek het geen idee wie Oswald Pirow was nie, daai naam kan maar gaan. Ek twyfel of enigiemand sal kla as Hendrik Verwoerdweg in Plattekloof verander. Wees egter gereed vir opposisie as dit na iemand soos Robert Sobukwe vernoem word.

Die lughawe is egter 'n baie groot bate, en sy naam sal steun regoor die politieke spektrum moet he. Ek sien nie noodwendig 'n behoefte om die lughawe te hernoem nie. Ek het trouens die ANC se besluit in die vroeë jare van ons demokrasie ondersteun om die lughawens se name polities neutraal te hou.

Die ander kwessie is natuurlik die kostes. Ons sit in die Wes-Kaap met grootskaalse armoede, en ons sal mooi moet dink voor ons groot geld spandeer aan naamsveranderings.

Moenie te veel negatiewe lees in die kommentaar as mense die Kaap verlaat nie. Etnies en kultureel is die Wes-Kaap baie anders as die res van die land, en dis dom om skaam te wees omdat ons nie "African" genoeg is nie.

Anonymous said...

How many times do we have to make the same mistakes? Why would you want to change an offensive name to another person's name? Why not use neutral names. 10 or 20 years from now some other party might be in power, with other heroes, and then they will want to change the name again to their heroes. Remember, we are all human, and we all have our faults. Every single one of the heroes you name in your list offended someone at some stage in their lives, so someone is always going to be unhappy. I'm sure there are many people with relatives that were killed under Stalin's communist state that will be deeply offended by the name of any communist leader on an airport.

Keep it neutral, Cape Town International offends no-one, why waste money to change it? The same goes for other offending names. By all means change them, but then be smart and change it to something neutral.

Anonymous said...

'n Moord op Oswald Pirow is nie erger as 'n moord op, sê, Adam Kokstraat nie. En daar gaan nie minder tik verkoop word op 'n straat met 'n vars naam nie...

In beginsel het ek nie 'n probleem met naamveranderings nie. Tog dink ek moet 'n mens versigtig wees om die geskiedenis te probeer wegvee. Ek kan my voorstel hoe 'n buitelander iewers in 'n argief lees van, byvoorbeeld, Oswald Pirow-straat en dit dan nie kan vind nie, omdat dit herdoop is na iets anders.

Ook dink ek 'n mens moet besonder demokraties omgaan met die verkiesing van welke nuwe name ook al gekies word. Selfs die mees erudiete paneel kan soms eensydig wees. Is dit moontlik om op 'n manier die publiek se voorstelle te vra vir nuwe name?

Anonymous said...

I second what the previous 2 commentators have said, use the money where it is needed.
(love the idea about the statue..although would it be worth the cash? but if a statue is erected make sure it's friendly for kids to mess about on - 21st century we want to interact, not just stare)

if some names are offensive to the majority then a name change is worth thinking about. and staggering what will be changed, is a good idea too.

part of the magic of Cape Town is it's individuality, and we like it that way. Cape Town is a unique and special place and we dont need to follow the style of the rest of SA, we have our own style, and always will.

the airport should be called "Cape Town International", that's what everyone will call it. the only people who talk about the given names of airports are press and occasional travel agents.

most people will talk about the place they are headed to and leave it at that.
if we had 2 working airports then maybe give them names.

thanks for being accessible online

yasser yizzi said...

this is awesome and i think that some of the other leaders should have also blogs to connect direcly to the people,

back on the issue of renaming, please rename everything except cape town int.airport,
it just doesn't make sense renaming the airport,
yasser b.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with johan schwella. Is it a necessity to rename certain streets and places? How many times will these street and place names be changed before government realises that money spent each year for the renaming of these places could have been better spent by allocating it to the many impoverished of the Western Cape as well as the educational departments. Look at what really needs to be done. I don't think that changing a place or street name should be part of your priorities. Concentrate on the escalating crime, poverty,education and then when most of these issues are resolved consider name changes.

I am also very impressed that you have created a blog to connect with the people of the province.

Anonymous said...

Name changes = attempts to distract attention in 90% of cases. Concentrate on what matters.

Anonymous said...

PS: the blog idea is great and it shows clarity, responsibility and acknowledgment of public opinion. Matthew, Cape Town.

Anonymous said...

Premier Rasool, while I agree that certain name changes of the streets in the Western Cape should undergo changes, I disagree with the name change for Cape Town International Airport. I have lived overseas and when people mention Cape Town their eyes light up with excitement. Cape Town has an image associated with it and changing the name would certainly have an impact on that and travellers romanticized versions of coming to our WONDERFUL city. I often wonder what the intention is of changing a name like Cape Town which bears no historical reference to an apartheid "hero" like some other areas. I can, however, understand the name changes of Jan Smuts, for example, and I agree that a name change like this was a good sign of democracy and ownership to ALL South Africans. Please listen to the people and don't change the name of Cape Town International Airport. Matthew, Cape Town.

Shugapaige said...

i must also say.. WOW - this is impressive -

i also agree with a lot of the comments - WHY CHANGE CAPE TOWN INTERNATIONAL?

Cape Town is one of the top destinations in the world, with tourists and local visitors visiting the friendly city 24/7 365 days of the year... PLEASE don't change the name - it's bold, it's strong and refers to no one in any negative or offensive way.

Personally, Cape Town International makes me feel like i'm travelling to the hotspot of the world - visiting the best and only city in the Southern Hemisphere...

With regards to streetname changes.. there are other things to spend that money on - people living in poverty, HIV/Aids, old age homes.. the list is endless of people that need that money more than the streets...
It's a street - it helps you get to your destinations - why confuse people like me who to get lost even more with changing what is already there..

thanks for the space and time!

Anonymous said...

Invisibility of one's values and identity is also a serious form of repression and discrimination.
Reconciliation, transformation and redress have to include that all people's cultures become more acknowledged, visible and part of public life. (Re)naming of places and streets is just one way of doing that, but I think an important one. Times have (thankfully) changed and our everyday reality can no longer be constructed only by some at the exclusion of others.

'Let's not only tolerate but indeed celebrate each others differences' - Mayor Helen Zille's wise words at a recent book launch at the Bo-Kaap museum, of a book on the Bo-Kaap by an Irishman! I had very little knowledge of the multi-fasceted and fascinating history of the Muslim community in the Cape - what I heard that evening has inspired me to do further exploration; it has enriched my life and my fascination for diversity.

Let's make our differences more visible and celebrate others. Let's do away with Strydom, Verwoerd, the Voortrekkers and Louis Botha - I have no doubt that the Afrikaans communities (!!) have also acquired new symbols and heroes in the meantime.

"When those who have the power to name and to socially construct reality choose not to see you or hear you, whether you are dark-skinned, old, disabled, female, or speak with a different accent or dialect than theirs, when someone with the authority of a teacher, say, describes the world and you are not in it, there is a moment of psychic disequilibrium, as if you looked into a mirror and saw nothing." Adrienne Rich: The feminist classroom (New York 1994)

Anonymous said...

Wow, gudrun, could you have contradicted yourself more in the last two paragraphs?

Soekie said...

Kan die premier van enige provinsie in RSA vandag bekostig om sy tyd en die van ander "amptelikes", wat ook met ons belasting-geld betaal word, te mors met sinnelose debatte oor duur naam-veranderinge tydens sy "state of the province address ...while Rome is burning"??!!

Ek dink, met alle respek meneer die premier, dat jou motief en prioriteit hier nie is om die Wes-Kaap 'n "home for all" te maak nie maar eerder 'n strewe om JOU eie naam op 'n bordjie op 'n straat-hoek te sien hang! Die realiteit is dat jou ANC heroes van jou "vryheidstryd" nog altyd terroriste (met volop bewyse daarvoor)is vir 'n groot aantal ander Wes-Kapenaars en tans die NUWE onderdrukkers en argitekte is om die ondergang en uitwissing van bv. die Wit Afrikanervolk te bewerkstellig deur bv. hulle van hul identiteite soos straatname te onteien en die lughawe na 'n flippin kommunis(wat ek nog nooit van gehoor het nie!) te vernoem, nogal!

Plaas jouself in die ander se skoene en vra jouself hoe jy sou voel as iemand dit met jou doen? Mens word mos kwaad! As jy boonop moet hoor dit is net die begin van "transformasie" ("vat weg by wit en gee vir swart op 'n skinkbord") terwyl jou aansoekvorm vir werk lank reeds reguit snippermandjie toe gaan weens diskriminerende "affirmative action", gaan niemand jou kwalik neem as jy hartstogtelik met jou vuis op jou hart, 'n De la Rey nader roep nie.

Gaan voort, tart ons, en sien wat dit jou gaan bring, "home for all"! Gatvol raak 'n understatement. Glo nie dat hierdie op jou blog sal veskyn nie maar dis reeds op baie ander blogs, hier en oorsee!

Anonymous said...

I feel that place names such as Oswald Pirow can be changed, in the same fashion that Hitler was recently taken off the list of honorary citizens of the town where the G8 will be hosted this year. Something like a Nazi sympathizer offends everyone, and everyone will likely agree that something like Native Yard is offensive and should be taken down.

But yet.. care should be taken when changing names that are not globally offensive and actually carry some value for a group of South Africans.

Why? Because changing some names might make that group of South Africans feel alienated from their own country or community. That is certainly not in line with making the Western Cape a better place for all.

For example, De La Rey has recently become a strong icon for Afrikaners, and despite all kinds of allegations, his icon-status is not race motivated.

Instead, the fact that he has become a hero simply simbolizes Afrikaners' desire to feel proud and to give huge value to their heritage in their everyday lives - which is great!

So suppose a street name like De La Rey is changed - that would be directly alienating Afrikaners... they wouldn't want to accept it. They are already beign alienated by affirmative action, neglectance of Afrikaans, etc. Further alienization like that might just be the nail in the coffin!

Sure, many liberal Afrikaners will understand if a name must changed because it symbolized a race-motivated dispute. But in this case, that does not apply!

That is why I feel special care should be taken with each name change. It shouldn't be impulsive and there shouldn't be any rules of thumb like "All Afrikaner names are changed"!

Anonymous said...

I agree fully with (annonomous April 4 2007), special care must be taken in changing these names.
Voortrekker rd has historical value to all South Africans not only white Afrikans speaking South Afrikans, as this was an event that played a part in shaping our country. We must also uphold fallen South Africans who sacrificed their being to defy an unjust government and in most cases payed with there lives. We are willing to pay our respects, every year, to South Africans who for the freedom of others in other countries have payed with their lives yet we forget about our own struggles.

South African street names must not be a representation of the previous system, where the history of the minority is reflected and the history of the majority is forgoten. I am proudly South African and embrace all cultures and languages even Afrikans.South Africans need to get the idea that Afrikans belongs to white South Africans out of their heads. Afrikans is a South Afrikan language, belonging to all South Africans. Afrikans will never die it just evolves.
Many South Africans even the opressed ones were against the changing of the Flag yet today the majority embraces it. We need to bring Black(Non white History) into perspective. Nelson Mandela isn't the only black history. I was shocked a couple of weeks ago to find that South Africans don't know who Steve Biko is. A fellow South African,one of many, who died so that all South Africans may have equal opportunity. People say Apartheid is a thing of the past. I think it still sits in many South African's Hearts. We need to embrace each others cultures,that's right, remember history forms part of that culture.
Affirmative action(Soekie 27 March 2007)isn't a swear word for many South Africans. It is a way for government to ensure that the wealth is spread and to ensure economic growth. Many black businessmen/women and sportsman/women are making their mark due to opportunity.
Never in the History of our country have we had so many SME's. Black South African's have a better place in South African Society. I believe that a South African that complains of his/her circumstances and does nothing about it will do nothing anyway when opportunity knocks.

Embrace change and respect each other in every way even in our Streets. We all need to feel proud of our country,our past and ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I think South Africa will be a much better place if all of us shared the views of Anonymous (15 April)!

By the way, I'm looking forward to new blog posts from Mr Rasool

Do Kwang said...

Vir wat dit werd is, ek ry gereeld deur Oswald Pirow-straat ek ek vind dit elke keer aanstootlik. Oswald Pirow verteenwoordig niemand wat ek ken se kultuur nie en as ek op een of ander manier 'n geldelike bydrae kan maak om te help met 'n naamverandering vir daardie straat, sal ek.

Anonymous said...


Dit raak nou soos die tyd aanstap duidelik dat die ANC nou nie meer weet waar om te krap en waar dit nie meer jeuk nie.

Vir duidelikheid :

(1) Kry misdaad onder beheer - los strate se name uit.
(2) Sorteer skole uit - los strate se name.
(3) Doen iets omtend gesondheidsorg - los nog steeds strate se name uit.
(3) Kry welsysnsdienste op 'n eerstewereld standaard - los nog steeds strate se name uit.
(4) Sorteer werkloosheid uit - los nog steeds strate se name uit.Alhoewl die een seker nommer 2 moet wees.
(5) Dan wanneer almal te veel geld het, niks om te doen nie en nie meer weet wat om te doen om mense op te hel nie - verander strate se name!

Die hele saak is buite verband - kan iemand net weer nugter hieroor dink en miskien 'n raamwerk vir veranderinge opstel

Ek stel voor :

(1) Geen straat word na enige politieke figuur van watter kant ookal genoem nie. Kies ander pratige inheemse name. Ek gee regig nie om as Adderley straat hernoem word tot Renoster straat nie - dan noem on Wahl straat - Voorlaaier of self Kalbas Straat (wel miskien moet ons die een vir Sandy bay hou)

(2) Monumente word hernoem na die gebeure / persoon / held wat dit in herrinnering noem - al moet ons dan nou nog 'n paar monumente laat bou!

(3) Lughawens en Hawens word genoem na die stad/dorp waar dit gelee is.

(4) Museums word genoem na die dorp of streek waar dit gelee is met 'n moontlike byvoeglike naamwoord as die museum 'n spesifieke tema het.

(5) Geen stad / dorp word ooit na enige persoon wat na 1900 gesterf het genoem nie. Kies dan liewer 'n byvoeglike naamwoord uit die natuur - soos grasvlei of riviersonderend of bergendal of groenvlei of bloukrans of wat ookal die fancy van die dag is.

Die probleem soos ek dit sien is juis dat sekere name mense tereg ontstel en seermaak. Dit is goed en reg. Die fout sou wees om dit nou weer te doen deur ondeurdagt alles na ander ouens te vernoem.

Bogenoemde is uit die aard nou nie so fyn deurdag nie - want ek het te min tyd om my tyd aan sulke twak te spandeer - dit is egter nie 'n krisis nie, want dit is maar nommer 5 op die lysie en daar le nog baie werk voor.

Ek wens u alle sukses met nommers 1 - 4 toe. Ek sal ongelukkig nie kan help nie, want sien ek is een van die bleeksiele (lees ook blankes) wat nie deur apartheid bevoordeel is nie - ek is egter deur u regering doelbewus gemarginaliseer en daar word aktief teen my gediskrimineer. My werk is om die res van die wereld te oortuig (soos die ANC mos gedoen het) dat die beleid blatant rasisties is!

My job is not done, and I have real work to do!

Anonymous said...

I want to comment on anonymous (April 15, 2007 11:49 PM).

I am so glad to hear you singing the praise of affirmative action!

The problem sir is that the practice is (1) blatantly race driven - this is not what I voted for. (2) the whites that do gets disadvantages is normally the lower level worker - I see no director of SANLAM / MUTUAL / ABSA / SASOL etc resigning because he feels it is time to give a black dude a gap. They do however successfully implement systems to meet BEE /AA criteria and employ consultants and contract workers to do the job. This is a waste the rest of us is paying for.

The second issue is that whites that did not gain much due to apartheid is always "too white".

I for one was an orphan, had nothing. Worked days, studies nights for 10 years (on a qualification that should take 4 - 7 years) just to hear I am too white! lol.

The third issue is that knowledge is like any other commodity - it goes to the highest bidder - at this stage SA is not much of a bidder on the long term. In the short term they need me, bu it will "mix up their AA /BEE Stats"

Facing all of above I made up my mind - I only employ white, Afrikaans males and to hell with te government and all the other racists. Once they stop their games I will stop mine.

If all else fails - New Zealand has a bette rugby team than us on any given day!

Now, premier smoke this one and come up with a better policy of helping the disadvantaged than the simple solution to base everything on race! After that I will grant you the freedom to rename Cape Town International to "The Ebrahim Rasool International ANC-Gravity Landing Space"

Until then - sorry get a job!

Anonymous said...

I want to comment on anonymous (April 15, 2007 11:49 PM).

I am so glad to hear you singing the praise of affirmative action!

The problem sir is that the practice is (1) blatantly race driven - this is not what I voted for. (2) the whites that do get disadvantaged is normally the lower level worker - I see no director of SANLAM / MUTUAL / ABSA / SASOL etc resigning because he feels it is time to give a black dude a gap. They do however successfully implement systems to meet BEE /AA criteria and employ consultants and contract workers to do the job. This is a waste the rest of us is paying for.

The second issue is that whites that did not gain much due to apartheid is always "too white".

I for one was an orphan, had nothing. Worked days, studies nights for 10 years (on a qualification that should take 4 - 7 years) just to hear I am too white! lol.

The third issue is that knowledge is like any other commodity - it goes to the highest bidder - at this stage SA is not much of a bidder on the long term. In the short term they need me, but it will "mix up their AA /BEE Stats"

Facing all of above I made up my mind - I only employ white, Afrikaans males and to hell with te government and all the other racists. Once they stop their games I will stop mine.

If all else fails - New Zealand has a better rugby team than us on any given day!

Now, premier smoke this one and come up with a better policy of helping the disadvantaged than the simple solution to base everything on race! After that I will grant you the freedom to rename Cape Town International to "The Ebrahim Rasool International ANC-Gravity Enabled Landing Space"

Until then - sorry get a job!

Anonymous said...

Viva Premier Viva

Ngicabaga ukuthi lamagama kufanele siwashintshe, masikhuluma ngokushintswa kwamagama asikhulumi ngokubulala umlando wamabhulu sikhuluma ngokushitsha izwelethu vele Ndunankulu kufanele silishintshe lelagama lala Airport ngoba ayinikezi umlando wala emzantsi nalamagama emigwaqo yala asikhona ukuyibaza kakhe thina Mazulu ngobasazi abo Zwelithini, Shaka, Ndebele etc etc, kufanele abahlali bala Ekapa basebenzise amagama abawafunayo bayekele abo Harare basebenzise abo Msholozi okanye Mbeki Town. Ngiyabonga

blacktribe said...

This blog is moving in the right direction. Premier, after internalising your arguement I understand what you are trying to get at.

I think that the airport should remain unchanged. I read an article a couple of days about a new airport in Cape Town and I it should have the name of someone who contributed to the struggle.

The cost implications of the street or road names changes are huge and I fee that our province has other much more pressing issues that need resolving before we start changing the street names.

We do not have enough roads, a lot of traffic light are not working, some roads dont have street light. We also have a lot poor people who need assistance from the provincial government. We need more schools, more hospitals, some schools are struggling to have a textbook for each child. Surely this is more important than changing street names.

Your concept is great but we have reached to that stage to have bells and whistles, lets resolve the more pressing issues first.

Unknown said...

We met at the Open Source conference at UWC. It was geat to see a local university leading the way on this exciting area and in particular to see our Premier come out so "technologically hip"

I would like to carry on these discussions with you about how government, private enterprise and the universities can take this partnership further. I have laid out my ideas here:


BehindTheAgenda said...

I have been part of and have been very involved in one of the most interesting High Schools in the Western Cape,one of the first to be "Proudly South African".A school with more then a thousand learners, from all walks of life, from all cultures and races. A school where the youth get togehter, socialize and study in peace in harmnony with excellent results. These children are not interested in the problems of the past and the heroes of the past, they are toghether,they are planning and looking at the future.They want and need an International Market. Why must we, the older generation, keep wasting money on issues belonging to the past? Is it fair of us to keep reminding the youth of the problems of the past instead of helping them to build a united future?Don't we owe it to them to allow them to have a say in something like this? May I suggest, do a survey at all the High Schools, let the learners complete the survey, do they want all the name changes....I can assure you not. I agree, change names of places that can be offensive, na"mes of "so called heroes, like Verwoerd" but please do not replace it with other names of individuals. Keep names neutral, then nobody can be offended and it won't have to be changed in the future. Money, wasted on name changes can rahter be used on areas much more needed, such as upgrading our Hospitals, medical facilities, housing, our roads in certain portions of the Province is deteriating,upgrade our facilities to more International standards. The Western Cape is a Unique Province, we have lots of tourists visiting, let us spend the money wisely where needed and keep our province free from naming important places such as our airports etc after any political heroes. Keep it neutral names.
We owe it to the youth not to dwell in the past but to built a future and a Province where they can feel free from the goshts of the past and live in peace and Harmony.
I believe if you had to ask all these heroes of the past, they would not want to be honoured with there names exposed on a building or street, but they will be happy and honoured to know that thanks to them, children are building a future together. Please let us not in the Western Cape compare ourselves with other Provinces, we are different, and have different demographics. We are Poudly South African, and happy to be in the Western Cape. Keep us united and proud of our Unique and special Province. You Mr Rasool, should be proud of your Province and should not be pressurised by other Provinces or Central Government to make "name changes". You should lead the way in concentrating on building a better future for ALL!Let us keep our youth and not lose them to overseas markets, let us give them the freedom of opportunites that they deserve.
Let us in Western Cape, stand united in: BUILLDING A FUTURE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Rasool,
after I read iol online this morning I am extremely confused about racial classification in South Africa.
If Luke Watson is "not white" it leaves me with a question.
Os du Randt grew up very poor. His parents couldn't even afford rugby toks when he was in school. Would this also make him "not white"?

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,

Just want to know how long it will still take for the government to hand over ownership of the Council flats to its tenants? This promise was made by the former Mayor of Cape Town about two years ago, just before the municipal elections. NOTHING YET! Now an opposition party is in charge, and the blame of transfer is passed to them. No government in the world is FOR THE PEOPLE. The people in a small town in Malaysia recently got everything they wanted after the ruling coalition managed to retain the seat. One man commented that in all the years the Member of Parliament was alive, they never got what they wanted, but now that he's dead, they have it all. Stop "blocking" the efforts of the people who want to work FOR THE PEOPLE be it the DA, ID, or any other party for that matter. Didn't all you SWEAR BY OATH that you will work to uplift the PEOPLE. Well, the people are asking, "WHERE ARE THE FLATS YOU PROMISED!

Son of District Six

kilps said...

While I agree that in many cases renaming is important - I just ask that every care is taken to:
a) determine if there is a need for the renaming
b) that everyone who is interested is consulted
c) that new names are reflective of all South Africans - and not always people

The third point there I think is important - yes we must honour those who have fought for our freedom, however I think we can also look at other names more representative of all people which aren't necessarily named after people - because then you start to get into dangerous ground with different affiliations etc.

Lastly that links to the airport - while personally I think our airports should be named after the places the serve, if there is a change then it should not be after a person - how about a (preferably easyish to pronounce - for visitors) Xhosa name reflective of the community?

Either way as long as the process is transparent, the names are those which everyone can accept and unnecessary changes are not made I don't have too many objections

Africannabis said...


your last blog post is about street renaming - to you and your accessable electorit this is what we can talk you you about...

I would like to talk to you about your article in the cape argus:

I would like to point out, that to the majority of Cape Town’s cityzens do not enjoy the benefits of the firm footing in the economic arena; and that to these people provincial support for bulk sewage, water and land could make a better life of their own. Particularly with regard to housing.

It is a misnomer to say the province is doing well economically - in contrast too crime, which is caused by lack of access to the economy… in a province where no local buying power can match the price of an international wishing to purchase land and housing in the beautifull Cape.

...where you literally are blowing a soundless trumpet

Attilathehun said...

Why don't you build yourself a place, then you can name it whatever you want??? You are a racist- no different to the AWB or KKK, you merely happen to be in charge. Personally I think you are just another corrupt, opportunistic politician who does nothing to benefit anyone but yourself,
don't even pretend that you actually write and read this blog--we all know that this is just a publicty stunt concocted by one of your nameless lackeys.

Anonymous said...

I support the idea of renaming, as it creates history. I suggest that renamed places be marked with plaques that give the history thereof, its previous name and reason for renaming. In this manner we will truely build history and add additional visitor attractions.

DENVER said...

Cmde Rasool

I would rather suggest that you get young people together voluntary like me and send us in the community to ask normal citizens what they think.My people especially where i'm from don't even know about internet and their opinion is also needed here.

Please let us get everybody involved to create a home for all.I would like to engege with you personally as a YOung South African to discuss matters such as name changing ,povery alleviation,etc.We as young people have alot of ideas that can help the Western Cape Government.

It will be good if you can create platforms whereby young people can engage on such issues.I would also like to urge you to create a committe whereby we can be of assistance in helping you to help normal cirizens voice out their opinion.Create a committee exist of young people to serve as an advisory body on these important issues.I would love to be involved with this particular committee.

As far as for name changing i thing change is good but not too much change.

Yours in leadership
Cmde Denver Heugh

Anonymous said...

These are all wonderful comments, but will anything happen with it?

Renaming the airport is just plain silly. When you book your ticket and use "apartheid hero" airport, no one will have a clue of where it is! (including the south africans!).

Will a costing study take place in all the name changes?
Why cant u use these names for new roads?
And will the publics opinion really be taken into account?

Mom on the Flats said...

Hey Ibbie .... About this name changing... as much as I agree that some of these names must go. Can it hold on until we have enough funds to feed our hungry children, to educate them and place them in homes. Can it hold on until we have crime on the Cape Flats under control. SPEND THE MONEY WISELY IBBIE!!!

Anonymous said...

Wat gaan aan dat hier niks meer aangaan op hierdie blog nie?

Bilal said...

I agree with name changes- as long as it is done over a period of time with proper consultation and incurring as little expense as possible.

The idea of the statue is a great idea.

To those who think this is a total waste of money- its important we remember what happened so that we dont go down that road again.


p.s can we get confirmation that this is the real Ebrahim Rasool?