Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Rules of Ebrahim Rasool's Blog

Messages posted to this blog or blogs may be moderated before or after they are displayed live.

Messages may be removed if they:

- Contain email addresses or other personal contact details (valid website addresses will be passed but will be checked for authenticity);
- Appear to impersonate someone else;
- Are considered likely to provoke, attack or offend others;
- Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable;
- Contain swear words or other language likely to offend;
- Break the law or condone or encourage unlawful activity. This includes breach of copyright, defamation and contempt of court;
- Advertise products or services for profit;
- Repeatedly post the same or similar messages, i.e. spam;
- Are written in anything other than the three official languages of the Western Cape Province, namely Afrikaans, English or IsiXhosa;
- Contain links to other websites which break these rules;
- Describe or encourage activities which could endanger the safety or well-being of others;
- Post personal or offensive comments about individual members of the public or people who work for the Provincial Government of the Western Cape or the Western Cape Provincial Legislature.

The blog moderator reserves the right to remove such messages and take action against those responsible.

Further conditions:
- Under-16s must get permission from a parent or guardian before contributing to this site;

Links to external websites:
- Neither I nor the Provincial Government of the Western Cape endorses the content of any website linked to from this blog and is not responsible for the content or actions of those sites.

If you break these rules:
- Your message will not be posted.
- I am unable to contact you with a reason why.
- Or your message might be edited to remove the parts that do not comply.

The blog moderator reserves the right to edit, move or delete any message, at any time, for any reason.

And finally...
The blog moderator's decision about the suitability of all posts is final.


The Python said...


While you don't look old enough to remember the bad old days of censorship, you obviously have a well developed feel for what it was all about.

Anonymous said...

This is a very good idea But how many do they know about this it the reach and have only because I know that those who need it most are the poor of the poorest who still awaits basic services who are not intrested in WC Gov politics.

Anonymous said...

Billy J. Claasen

Mr. Premier it is a very good thing. Ignore the critisism and go on. Let us remember the heroes of all as well in the rural areas

Anonymous said...

Dear Priemier Ebrahim Rasool,

Can you please change the name of Hernus Kriel Rylaan here in Atlantis to Dulcie September Drive to commemorate one of our own fallen heroine of the Western Cape. Hiers is klomp straat name van mense wat geen simpatie of belang het vir on mense hier in Atlantis nie. Ek dink dit geld vir 'n klomp soortgelyke dorpe hier in die Kaap.

Storm voort met die goeie werk en alle voorspoed vorente.

Anonymous said...

Mr Premier, Why dont you focus on housing or "Homes for all" instead of renaming streets? And if you feel that renaming is a issue more deserving of PUBLIC funds, then rename after the Flora and Forna of our Province, and not political figues.

Anonymous said...

Ja nee

Dit is mos nou sensorskap op die hoogste vlak - of noem mens dit advertering.

Die ding is premier - ek het die reg om deesdae te se wat ek wil en jy het die reg om daarmee te maak wat jy wil. As jy my reg wil monitor en polisieer - dan skryf ek net die selfde kritiek op plekke waar jou voetsoldate dit nie kan beheer nie.

Kom nou - join die res van ons in die 21 eeu! Die internet gaan oor die vryheid van spraak! As jy dit nou wil misbruik - los dit eerder want jy mors nou twee mense se tyd - mors eerder net jou eie en verander 'n naam!

Anonymous said...

Mr Premier, not sure where to post this but my wife has requested a personal number plate 'THULA' and we were told that it has been denied as it is offensive. Could you explain how a word that means 'Quiet/Peace/Tranquility' can be called offensive. I am not trying to be difficult or ignorant but do not understand.

Lize said...

Good day Mr. Rasool,

I want to invite you and everyone who views your site, to have a look at our website

We help fight crime in our communities, by informing people in communities about crimes in their areas. We also help in searches for missing people and especially missing children. All our coordinators are working voluntary on cases.

We need to get every roleplayer actively involved in fighting crimes against children. We need to get proper communication between the police, media and other roleplayers, in the search for missing kids.

The ideal would be to have police immediately call in the media as soon as a child goes missing, and get that child's face out on every television station, the child's name and decription on every radio station. As you know, the first few hours when a person goes missing, is usually critical and could mean the difference between life and death.

Anonymous said...


You started well, Ebrahim. I added a link to your blog on my website here:
But you seem to have faded (next to Helen's, who's page I also added) Your last post was months ago...

Keep it up Mister Premier!

Unknown said...

I have only recently heard about this blog, but disappointed that the last entry was a good few months ago!